Best Seafood Restaurants

The Fish House, Key Largo

last way last night


The Fish House, Key Largo, Florida

The Fish House, Key Largo, Florida.

My wife and I stayed in Key Largo for a night on 19th May 2013, our wedding anniversary, en route back from Key West to Miami. On the recommendation of our hotel manager we visited the Fish House, which was a short walk along the South Dixie Highway, for dinner. We weren’t to be disappointed with his recommendation.


The first thing that struck us when we went into the restaurant was the laid-back atmosphere. The clientele was a mixture of diners who appeared to be local to Key Largo and travellers, all of whom mixed well together. The restaurant had a clear nautical theme with the walls being festooned with photographs of different species of fish and the ceiling adorned with literally hundreds of small decorative lights.

The Staff and Service

The staff were attentive from when we entered the restaurant (finding us a seat to our liking immediately) until the moment that we left. Our waitress gave us really useful advice about the menu, which certainly helped us to choose a really enjoyable meal. The staff and service could not be faulted.

The Food



My wife selected the sashimi appetizer, which consisted of a six-piece range of fish and seafood, comprising red and white tuna, salmon, octopus, mackerel and yellowtail. She was very pleased with the content, presentation and preparation of her appetizer – so much so that she was prepared to share very little of it with me! I was feeling a little peckish and chose my appetizer from the Hosomaki “Rolls” menu. My selection was the Encore Roll, a beautifully presented combination of lobster tail tempura, smelt roe, sesame seeds, asparagus, scallions and avocado and mayo. A tasty sweet sauce topped off a great appetizer.

The Main Course

On the recommendation of our waitress we both went for the house speciality – the Matacumbe – for our main course. This dish has featured on The Food network, so we were expecting great things! The meal consisted of a really generous portion of Black Snapper, once again beautifully cooked, by baking, with a topping consisting of tomatoes, shallots, capers, olive oil and lemon juice. The meal came with steamed vegetables of the day. All in all, we were both very satisfied with the meal. In fact, the only downside was that we were so satisfied that we left no room for dessert!!! The meal was accompanied by a nice dry Sauvignon Blanc, which complemented the food perfectly.


The restaurant has, for good reason, accumulated numerous awards over the years and our visit to The Fish House convinced us that they are fully deserving of all the accolades that they have received.

This review was written by Billy Phillips, writing for All Seasons Catering, Perth Caterers for great wedding and corporate catering whose website and extensive range of menus can be found here

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