Beach Locations, Best Seafood Restaurants, Fishing

Surf City East


Ocean City, That Is

Surf, Beach, Fish, and Food

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So, I was planning my Northeast vacation, and I’d settled on one stop (Cooper’s Beach), but I knew it was an expensive getaway, and I wanted to find another place along the coast to take in for a few days that would be easier on my budget, and offer some variety from my first stop. This second destination had to have two key elements. First, I want to do some fishing. Secondly, I want to stand on a surfboard (something I’ve never done before).

After a little research, I’m opting for Ocean City, New Jersey as my second destination. While I’d heard about the Jersey Shore through bad television, I did my extra research, and believe this is just the right stop for me.

The first reason I’ve decided this are the words black, sea, and bass. I had the pleasure of having a load of black sea bass delivered to my kitchen door while I was the chef of a restaurant in Washington state, but it was a frozen gift from a fisherman who had brought it back for me to try. I enjoyed cooking and dining on the fish (I couldn’t serve it in the restaurant), but the notion of trying it fresh from the water sounds amazing. Luckily, they’re in season in July and August, just in time for my summer trip. I’ll just have to find the right crew to take me out.

Now, to the surf. Ocean City appears to be the place to surf in the Northeast. The high school, it appears, even win surfing championships. Surely there will be someone around willing to teach me a thing or two about catching a wave. My plan is to head over to 7th Street Surf Shop, and get a few private lessons (they cost $50.00 per lesson or $80.00 for two people). I’m sure I’ll be paddling out in no time!most of I’ve checked to see about the restaurants in Ocean city as well, and I’m excited to try out Hula Grill’s crabcakes and sticky rice. Spadfora’s Down East Restaurant and Clam Bar looks like a prime prospect as well. From the I’ve read, their lobster bisque that worth coming back for more than once. So, there you have it. Ocean City, here I come.

Article by:
David Thornton
Freelance Writer and Chef
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