
A Delicious Harvest

Wellfleet, Cape Cod – Oysters

Learn The Secret Behind Massachusetts’ Most Savored Oysters

Seafood lovers far and wide considered
Wellfleet Oysters
as the best-tasting of them all. But what are Wellfleet oysters and why are they so popular? Let’s find out.

If we talk about taxonomy, the Wellfleet oyster belongs to the species Crassotrea Virginica and this is basically an eastern oyster. If you ever tasted an oyster from Chesapeake Bay or Long Island Sound, then you will have an idea of what Wellfleet oysters are like. But how come Wellfleet oysters are cherished more than the same species from other places?

Well, there are a lot of factors that make these oysters so special:

  • They are strong-shelled
  • They are long, clean and fleshy
  • They offer a unique saltiness and sweetness

Their shells are very strong due to constant air exposure, and this is also why these oysters retain their freshness after shipping. Also note that Wellfleet waters experienced big tidal waves, whereas the estuaries are shallow. This results in a high volume of ocean water feeding the oyster beds two times a day.

Moving on, Wellfleet oysters are clean because they grow in uncontaminated waters, which have not been affected by ocean pollution in the same degree as other shores. Not to mention that the local community is also committed to keeping these waters as clean as possible, resulting in clean, healthy oysters.

Finally, with regard to taste, Wellfleet oysters are rich in plankton of a local variety. This accounts for the unique taste of these oysters, because the flavor depends on what they feed on.

The unique taste is also accounted for by the high level of salinity in Wellfleet Harbor, which is far greater than, let’s say Chesapeake Bay. These waters are also colder than their southerly counterparts, which slows the down the metabolism of the oysters, making them rich in glycogens. This is what explains the unique blend of salinity and sweetness for which Wellfleet oysters are famous.

Fatima M.
Freelance Blogger

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