
A Sun Protection Guide

Some Sun Protection Education

Do You Use High Factor Sunscreen?

Everyone knows the importance of high-factor sunscreen, but hardly anyone uses it. Couple this with the fact that not all sunscreens are as effective as we want them to be. So how to find an effective sun tan lotion and take better care of our skin?

First, more than once a day. Even if you are not exercising or swimming, sweating and repeated face-wiping mean that the lotion will not stay on for long. So, for instance, if you put on lotion in the morning, reapply it the afternoon.

Secondly, you should know how much to put on. Studies show that most men and women don’t bother to put on lotion and even those that do, have no idea how much to put on. Without getting technical, let’s just say that you should use lotion amounting to a teaspoon for areas like the face and neck and around six teaspoons for the whole body. For a child, use up to four teaspoons.

Thirdly, you should know about trouble areas on your skin. There are some common areas for melanoma: the back for men and the lower leg for women. What this means is that there should be no neglected area.

Finally, you should know about the Sun Protection Factor (SPF). An SPF shows how well your sunscreen will protect your skin from UVB rays. You should use skincare products with at least an SPF of 15, and reapply it more than once a day as already discussed.

And also be generous in your usage, otherwise even the SPF will not be able to protect your skin! For best results, use lotions with SPF 30 or 50.

Hopefully these tips will help you take better care of your skin.

Fatima M.
Freelance Blogger

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