Best Seafood Recipes

All About Ceviche

Seafood + Citrus = Delicious

Ceviche (also spelled cebiche) is the national heritage of Peru but it has become famous among seafood lovers across the globe who prepare and consume it in different varieties. It’s basically raw seafood marinated in lemon or lime juice. Popular fish choices for ceviche include seabass, mah-mahi, snapper, tilapia, and halibut. Other seafood favorites include shrimp, scallops, squid and even octopus. Take your pick!9

The citrus acid coagulates the protein in the seafood. That is why ceviche is not heated. Rather, it’s either served room temperature or completely cold. Depending on the time it is served, ceviche is either a main course meal or a first course.

As already stated, ceviche comes from Peru. But it has a long history, dating back to nearly 2000 years ago among the Moche, which was a coastal civilization that existed near modern-day Peru. The ceviche has come a long way since the time of the Moche, who used the fermented fruit of banana passionfruit $to marinate the seafood.

If you want to prepare ceviche at home, here’s a simple recipe today.
What you need:


  1. Finely chopped red onion (1/2)
  2. Seabass, boneless and skinless (250g)
  3. Salt, to taste
  4. Lime juice (of at least 4 limes)
  5. Orange juice (or 1/2 an orange)
  6. Red chili, shredded
  7. Amarillo paste (1 tsp)
  8. Coriander


  1. Place red onion into iced water. Soak for up to 5 minutes. Drain.
  2. Dice fish into small cubes (up to 2 cm). Rub the pieces with a little salt. Leave.
  3. Marinate the salted fish in the citrus juices and the chili for 10 minutes.
  4. The exterior should be firm by now. If not, leave for another 5 minutes. The center will be tender and moist.
  5. Scatter with coriander, and enjoy!