Cooking Seafood

Barbecued Shrimp Not Barbecued?

No Grill Needed, Just a Pan

Plenty to Dunk Your French Bread In

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I’m not going to lie. The first time a fellow chef from New Orleans talked about his barbecue shrimp recipe, I pictured grilled shrimp smothered in sweet Memphis style barbecue sauce, and I wasn’t at all keen on the idea. I love my barbecue, and I love seafood, but that combination struck me as odd. I felt like the shrimp would end up being nothing but a vessel for the sauce, and the flavor of fresh shrimp is far too good to not taste. We were going over some new recipes in his restaurant kitchen, and I walked over to the grill to see just what he had in mind. As I was standing at the grill waiting, he looked at me like I was crazy.

“No, man. In New Orleans we make our barbecue shrimp in a pan,” he said as he lifted a saute pan in the air and waved it at me.

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“Barbecue in a pan?”

“You weren’t trained in the south, were you?”

I wasn’t. I was trained in the Pacific Northwest, and most of my seafood had centered around salmon, halibut, and Dungeness crab.

I watched as he put a knob of butter in the pan, threw in a little shallot, some shrimp, Worcestershire, and a sprig of rosemary. Five minutes later, I had my new favorite shrimp dish.

Barbecued Shrimp
Here is my at home version of this dish:


  • 1½ lbs head on jumbo shrimp (deveined)
  • 2 lemons (1 cut in wedges and 1 cut in half)
  • 1 teaspoon Cajun Seasoning
  • 3 minced garlic cloves
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 1 Tb Olive Oil
  • 3 Tb Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 Stick Cold Unsalted Butter – cubed
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a small bowl, combine garlic, olive oil and Worcestershire sauce. Set aside.
  2. Heat a large saute pan and melt one or two cubes of butter in the pan.
  3. Toss in the shrimp and begin to saute.
  4. Pour in your worcestershire mixture.
  5. Cook the shrimp until completely done.
  6. Remove shrimp from pan leaving the liquid (put the shrimp on your serving platter).
  7. Turn the heat to low and squeeze the lemon halves into the pan being careful to not get the seeds in the liquid.
  8. Whisk in the remaining butter, one cube at a time.
  9. Pour the sauce over the shrimp.
  10. Garnish with rosemary sprig (optional)

Serve with lemon wedges and sliced, toasted baguette (crostini).


Article by:
David Thornton
Freelance Writer and Chef Like My Post

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