Ocean sounds

Beautiful Ocean Sounds

Hypnotic and Relaxing

Have you ever wondered what makes the sound of water so relaxing? Of course, not all water sounds are relaxing. Some are actually torturous. Think of a leaky roof, or a drippy faucet!

Pleasant water sounds include the sound of rain and waterfalls. But it is the sound of ocean water specifically that is so relaxing that it can put you to sleep. Why this is so, no one exactly knows. All we have are theories.

For one thing, the sound of the ocean (like waterfall and rain) is ‘white noise’. The dictionary defines white noise as ‘noise containing many frequencies with equal intensities’. There is a strong link between white noise and relaxation & sleep. This explains the hypnotic effect of ocean sounds.

Moreover, proximity to nature is an obvious relaxer, and being close to the ocean brings the calming effect of nature on us. Water is also essential to life, so its sound perhaps appeals to us on a subconscious level, resulting in a positive mental state.

Let’s come back to white noise. It is the consistency of this sound that makes it so relaxing, so much that it cancels all other noise around us. Repetition and consistency go hand in hand, and repetition helps induce hypnosis. Hence, a constant rush of water in a stream, or repetition of ocean waves, can draw us into deep relaxation.

This explains the popularity of ‘ocean sounds’ that people listen to as they study, meditate, sleep, and perform self-hypnosis. You can download these audio tracks on your phone to soothe yourself wherever you are, and simultaneously looking at pictures of the ocean is a bonus.

Of course, nothing beats the real experience. So here is another reason why should visit the ocean more often!

Get Your Relax On

Fatima M.
Freelance Blogger

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