
Cast-Iron Cod


Nick Stellino’s Award-winning Recipe

As Seen on PBS

Seasoned with flavors and olive oil, this sautéed cod is the most delicious white fish you’ll have this year!

Here’s a delectably simple dinner idea. Bathe your cod in paprika coating and a couple of different flavors, and sear it until delicate and delicious. It requires a few minutes to prepare, and you can enjoy it with its own juices sprinkled on top!

Consider the fact this fish has a gentle, unadulterated flavor that is not off-putting by any means. Truth be told, it’s significantly gentler than ‘mainstream’ fish, such as salmon. Due to its flavor, the cod is an incredible entry point in the world of seafood. Like fish tacos, cast-iron cod is flexible in that it works in various arrangements.


  • Cod fillets (caught fresh if possible)
  • Olive oil
  • Butter smoked paprika
  • Garlic powder, onion powder, celery seed, lemon juice, salt


Smoked paprika gives the cast-iron cod a bright red color with a hint of smokiness in each bite. But there is no rule here. You can also use standard paprika for this recipe. And that’s why we recommend that you keep a jar of smoked paprika in your pantry to spice up your cooking.

  1. Use a large skillet to cook 4 fillets at a time. You can use cast-iron for this recipe
  2. A combination of olive oil and butter adds flavor. Pan-frying cod down with both types of fat adds depth.
  3. Cover with the magic seasoning blend as explained above
  4. Pan fry for 2 minutes, then flip and fry some more. Stop when it starts to flake as you prick it

This cod recipe is gluten-free. For dairy-free, use more olive oil and forego butter. The recipe also doesn’t use any batter or flour.


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