Sourcing Seafood

Certified Sustainable Seafood

Wild Caught Seafood

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Look for the Certified Sustainable Seafood Label

The blue Certified Sustainable Seafood ecolabel is popping up on wild-caught, seafood products at your local supermarket. It is an identifying label that the seafood is approved by the Marine Stewardship Council.

The mission of the Marine Stewardship Council is to place importance and make a difference now and for future generations on the overall health of fish and other seafood populations in the oceans, which also ensures good health for the oceans in general.

The primary way the MSC helps to accomplish this is by recognizing and rewarding fisheries that maintain sustainable fishing practices. Fisheries that are well managed and utilize methods that do not deplete large schools of fish and also minimize harm to other sea animals earn the sustainable seafood label of approval. The fisheries earn the MSC’s label, and then, consumers are influenced by the label to choose the most sustainable wild-caught seafood. Consequently, the idea is to keep the oceans “teeming with life” and healthy.

Currently, there are well over 15,500 products in 93 countries with the Certified Sustainable Seafood ecolabel. You may monitor numbers and find fisheries, suppliers and products directly on their website at Browsing through their website is a worthwhile visit. It is filled with pages and blog articles about their mission, progress and future goals as well as numerous articles aimed to educate on the importance of sustainable fishery practices for the health of the oceans.

The MSC estimates that at least 30% of consumers shopping for seafood recognize the Sustainable Seafood Label so far. Hopefully, as each one of us understands the importance of sustainable fishery methods and made aware of this little blue ecolabel, this percentage will grow.

Marine Stewardship Council

Image credit – MSC eco-label in English

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