
Cleaning and Purging Clams

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Got Clams?

Open and Clean Clams Like a Pro!

No good seafood menu is complete without clams. On the East Coast the word clam is usually used for the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria. Clams are enjoyed by seafood enthusiasts in all forms – boiled, fried, steamed and baked.

But before they can be eaten, they need to be opened and cleaned. What’s the best way to go about it? Just follow the steps below and you’ll be cleaning out clams like a pro in no time.

  1. Inspect the clams before buying
    They may have been cleaned, but not thoroughly. Give your clams a once-over before you buy. Some clams are closed, while others slightly opened. Tap them to see if they close by themselves. If they close, it means they’re still alive. If a clam is wide open, don’t buy it as its probably dead.
  2. Check for cracks, chips or breakage in the shells
    Broken shells may indicate they’re unhealthy or dead. Throw them away. Put the clams under water, making sure they’re totally submerged. Soaking the clams will make them expel sand, salt and other ocean particles, effectively cleaning their insides.
  3. Refrigerate the clams
    Put the clams in a bowl of cool fresh water. Place a wet towel on top of the bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 20-60 minutes.
  4. Repeat refrigeration
    Remove the clams from the water and place them in another bowl of water. Now put it in the refrigerator. You can do this a couple of times to make sure the clams are properly cleaned.
  5. Brush off
    Take a brush and clean any sand or debris from the clam. You can rub the surface of the clams with your fingers and see if anything gets in your nails. If it does, scrub some more.
  6. Open sesame!
    Opening a clam is much like opening an oyster. You want to leave the front, the mouth part totally intact. Instead, come in from behind. Take an oyster knife and wedge it into the clam and pop it. Be careful as you can slip and get hurt. Use a folded kitchen rag to hold the clam between it as you use your other hand to open it with the knife.

Cleaning Clams Must Be Done

Fatima M.
Freelance Blogger

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