Beach Locations, Best Seafood Restaurants

Clearwater Beach, Florida Part 2 of 2


Easy Access To Everything

The Beach, Pavilion, and Many Restaurants


The Palm Pavilion is still there – it is also updated and yet much the same. They have music on the weekends and if you buy a bottle of water, they will also give you a zip-locked bag to collect shells. My girls think that is fabulous! We have many bags of shells…and now some special zip-locked ones. We collect them, soak them in a bleach solution to get the stink out and put them in jars to display throughout the house. It is a fun way to have the beach around – as it is a favorite of our family.

Public parking abounds – it is metered along the streets and the lots have the box – where you put money in and put the receipt on your dash. It is a good system, inexpensive and often people pass on ‘leftover’ time to the next person they see coming in by offering them their receipt. Last time I went someone gave me theirs with 5 hours left on it. We stayed just a couple of hours so passed it along to another vehicle when we left. It is a fun little way to pay it forward.


Eating and shopping have been the biggest area of growth over the past decade. You can get delicious Pizza at Post Corner Pizza at the South end of the beach and as you walk north from there – the options range from Frenchy’s South Beach to Heilmans’ Beachcomber. Both staples of the beach crowd and trust me, there is everything in between.


Pier 60 on Cleawater Beach has become quite the sunset viewing destination. They have artisans of all kinds, bounce-house style slides, musicians, crafters and more. I’ll save that for a future article.

See you on the Beaches

Article by:
Shannon Zolar
Z Family Adventures

Clearwater Beach Restaurant Week Kickoff Party

Clearwater Beach, Florida
A Pictorial Tour – Kindle Edition
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