Beat The Heat
Tips on Staying Cool
It’s fun to go out in the sunshine, isn’t it? This is especially true for beach lovers. Not to mention, sunshine provides our bodies with much needed
vitamin D. That said, too much sun can also cause damage, everything from sunburn and wrinkles to skin damage and even cancer.
So what to do when you love the sun but the sun doesn’t love you? Here are some tips to stay protected during this summer.
Regardless of how long you plan to stay outdoors, you should always wear sunscreen with a strong SPF to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Ideally you should go for at least SPF 30, and look for the words “broad spectrum” on the bottle. The best time to apply sunscreen is at least 20 minutes before you leave your home.
Also, depending on how long you have been outdoors, you should reapply sunscreen every two hours. Be generous and apply the sunscreen to all parts of the body that will be exposed to sunlight. Just smooth the sunscreen and don’t rub too much.
It is also important to mention here that you should protect all parts of the body, including your lips, eyes and scalp. You can use specific products such as facial protectors and lip balms with sun blocking properties for added protection.
Along with sunscreen, you also need to wear clothes that keep your skin protected from sunlight. And if you’re not in the habit, do wear sunglasses whenever you step outdoors during the day time. If you’re buying a hat or a cap, make sure it has at least a 3-inch brim. And while it’s hot, try not to wear short clothes that don’t cover your skin.
Stay Indoors
What we mean by this point is that you should avoid going out unnecessarily. The sun doesn’t come slow between 10 AM and 4 PM, and this is the time when rays do the most damage. If you absolutely must go out between these hours, apply all the tips listed above. In addition, seek shade from trees and other such things whenever you’re outdoors.
For those with sensitive skin, it’s better to limit exposure to sunlight during these hours. But if you have to go out, higher SPF sunscreen is recommended.
This doesn’t mean that staying indoors will protect you from the sun. You still need to block out harmful UV rays. This means installing window film screens in your home as well as car windows. In addition, you should draw your blinds during the hours when the sun is at the zenith, or avoid coming near the windows at those hours.
Even if you’re driving your car, wear sunscreen. And if you have a sunroof, avoid using it during daytime.
Protection Against Reflections
Along with direct sunlight exposure, you also need to protect yourself from reflect light. Even if you are near water, sand or snow, reflected sunlight can be dangerous and hence one needs to use sunscreen in these situations as well, along with the other tips mentioned above.
Stay Hydrated
Last but not the least, water is an important source of protection against scorching heat and sunlight. Exposure to the sun dehydrates your body, which is why you should consume plenty of fluids. Carry a water bottle with you Theat all times. Finally, avoid sugary and carbonated beverages. They may be soothing in the heat, but they also end up dehydrating you.
Fatima M.
Freelance Blogger

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