
Coral Reefs

Diverse Ecosystems

Rainforests of the Sea

Coral reefs are among the most diverse ecosystems on planet earth. Reefs are built by coral polyps, which have thousands of species. These animals live in shallow seas, tropical seas, and some even within the depth of the ocean, from the coast of Alaska to the Caribbean Sea. They are, however, primarily concentrated in shallow clear tropic and sub tropic waters. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the largest of these, stretching for 1500 miles.
The reefs can take several forms, such as:


  • Reef-building Colonies
  • Flowing Fans
  • Solitary Organisms


As per the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), scientists have explored less than 25% of the ocean’s floor. And that is why we are likely to learn more about reefs in the future as they have existed underwater for thousands of years.

Along with their structure, coral reefs are of interest to us because they bring several economic benefits. These include:

    • Recreational activities
    • Tourism
    • Coastal protection
    • Preservation of marine ecosystems
    • Habitat for commercial fisheries


At the same, coral reef ecosystems are dying. Much has to do with natural reasons, like diseases, predators, and storms. However, threats like pollution, sedimentation, unsustainable commercial fishing, and global warming are man-made threats to these ecosystems.

These threats put stress on the corals, leading ultimately to death. Short-term effects include bleaching and physical damage to coral reefs. In the three years leading to 2017, coral bleaching affects almost 3/4ths of all coral reefs.

In fact, the   Great Barrier Reef was also affected severely. This was due to waters turning unusually warmer due to climate change.

Corals can recover from such events, but only if conditions improve. This, however, takes a long time, and it needs years of dedicated efforts to completely heal damaged ecosystems.
To expedite this, scientists are experimenting with techniques like growing coral in a nursery and transplanting it to bleached areas. Enjoy the video below-

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