Best Seafood Recipes

Delicious and Low-Calorie

Delicious and Low-Calorie King Crab

The King Crab rules the Alaskan waters, and out of the 18 species, 4 are regularly hunted for their amazing taste! However, the king crab is now found mostly in Asian communities, making it difficult to get a live king crab in the US due to the shipping time. However, due to their great demand here, many restaurants are flying them in.

But why do people love the king crab so much? For one thing, it goes easy on the fat. A single cooked king crab leg has less than 150 calories. There is little meat in its body though. However, the king crab leg has ample vitamins, minerals, and Omega 3 fats. Aside from the taste, eating the king crab offers you a host of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation.

And the great thing is that the king crab is easy to cook. Here’s how you can simply prepare a healthy and delicious meal.

What You Need:

    • King Crab Legs (3 pos)
    • close to the Lemon Juice (1 tsp.)
    • Butter (6 tbsps)
    • Minced clove garlic (1 piece)
    • Seafood seasoning (1 tbsp.)
    • Olive Oil (1/4 cup)


    1. Start by preheating your oven to 375 F.
    2. Take a baking pan, preferably a shallow one, and place the crab legs in it.
    3. Take a small saucepan and place the butter in it. Place over medium heat
    4. Heat the butter for 2 to 3 minutes, and then whisk in the seasoning, olive oil, garlic, and lemon
    5. Brush the crab legs with this mixture.
    6. Pour the remaining mixture on the crab legs
    7. Bake in the pan for up to 30 minutes, until the legs are flaky

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