Beach Locations

Florida’s Lesser-Known Treasures

Honeymoon and Caladesi Islands

So Much to Do and See

Honeymoon Island got its name after a developer built thatched huts for honeymooners to stay in….fast forward to today and it is a popular state park with great beaches, lots of boardwalks and sea birds.

This is a nature-lovers beach for sure, it is not commercialized, maintained as part of the Florida Parks department. Honeymoon island has a snack bar and gift shop. You will also find decent public restrooms and showers all housed in a building near the parking lot. There are many trails to walk and typically you can find fantastic shells. You won’t find crowds here most of the year – but if you are looking for something a little more remote, buy a ferry ticket and take that over to Caladesi Island.


Caladesi Island is another gorgeous beach/park maintained by the parks department. It is accessible by private boat or ferry. Once in a great while you can walk/swim across from the north end of Clearwater Beach. Depending on what you want to bring with you – carrying it across might be less fun than taking the ferry.

The Ferry is $10 round trip with a pre-set maximum of 4 hours on the island. Trust me – that four hours definitely gives you plenty of time to enjoy the beaches, play in the water and even take a kayak trip on the 3-mile kayak trail on the interior of the park.


Caladesi also has boat hook-ups – electric and water. If you want to bring your own boat and stay longer.

With boardwalks throughout – amazing birds to see, the Island fishing is yet another spectacular experience at Caladesi.


This beach/park is really wonderful – it is as pristine as they come and worth any effort you make to include it on your visit to the area. Don’t miss the Discovery Center – walk up several flights of stairs and take in the spectacular views.

See you on the beaches.

Article by:
Shannon Zolar
Z Family Adventures

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