
Good for Your Body


Seafood For a Healthy Diet

do you think a healthy diet is important? There are regular reports from the World Health Organization indicating that various lifestyle related diseases and obesity are increasing at an alarming rate in the western world. Heart diseases and diabetes as well as cancer can be prevented by following a healthier diet, regular physical activity and also keeping away from smoking.

A healthy diet is a must for a healthier lifestyle. Fish and other seafood are a highly important part of a balanced diet. Seafood is known to be a healthier alternative to red meat while it is definitely a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Health experts suggest that eating fish at least three times a week is a great way to lose weight. There are a few types seafood that you can try out with your diet although any type of seafood is healthier unless you are allergic to certain shellfish.

Salmon – One of the most healthy and most nutritious seafood to buy would be the wild salmon. One of the most commonly used seafood options; the salmon is best prepared by broiling, baking or grilling. It obviously provides high amounts of vitamin B6 and B12.

salmon  salmon2

Flounder – This fish belongs to the flat fish family and is very low in fat and has no carbohydrate which makes it one of the healthiest seafood options. The flounder which is also high in omega-3 fatty acids includes vitamins B6 and B12, protein and selenium. The fish gives a buttery taste adding flavour to any type of dish while it is perfect for pan frying, broiling and baking.

Shellfish – Although in the past shellfish was considered to be a seafood option that was high in cholesterol, recent studies have started indicating that shellfish is actually an excellent way to lose and maintain a healthy weight. Clams, crabs and many more in the family are supposed to be rich in protein and potassium.

Sardines – Sardines which are already canned and found in any type of grocery store is known to be one of the best oily foods to consume when it comes to a healthy diet. Sardines have a very high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids. Fresh sardines can also be purchased in the market.

Seafood helps to promote as well as maintain good health. When experts say it’s good for your heart, trust them. The combination of nutrients that are present in seafood makes veins more elastic, reduces blood pressure, prevents blood clots, reduces the risk of heart attacks as well as stabilizes the perfect heart rhythm.

Consuming seafood on a regular basis will also help you lower or entirely prevent depression. Furthermore, it is reported and advised that you should have fish and seafood during pregnancy for foetal development. When cooking your seafood, always be sure that they are fresh and cooked as advised.

It is important to remember that many diseases are related to improper diets; hence you should start eating healthy meals and include seafood as much as possible.

About the author

This is a guest article by Sharon Simmons from Paddington. Sharon is working as a freelance content writer. Currently Sharon is writing some interesting articles about coffee beans online. Have a look on her Tweets@SharonSimmons90″.

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