Beach Locations

Gulf Beach – Milford, CT


Gulf Beach in Milford, Connecticut

Let’s face it, you always want what you cannot have. When I was a kid we had a summer cottage, BUT its beach was all rocks and no sand. Tough on the feet. Since we had the cottage from the time I was born, I thought everybody had one. You have to give some slack to little kids. They don’t know what they are thinking or saying.

On the other side of our bay, there was a sandy beach and it was beautiful.

Gulf Beach in Milford, Connecticut, was the ultimate to me for beautiful beaches. It sits right at the mouth of Milford Harbor, so, you could always see the boats coming and going. Very close to shore is Charles Island. Another beautiful sight to see. On the west side of the island, there is a reef that becomes totally exposed at low tide. You could walk to the island from shore but, be careful because the tide does come in and you can be stranded. A topic for another post. I did include a picture for you at the end of this article.

From the breakwater that is part of the harbor, there is always fishing for snapper blues and much more.

To the south of the beach, it became rocky yet again. If you are ever in Milford, Connecticut, I recommend going to Gulf Beach.

All of the above made Gulf Beach a very festive environment. I rode my bike there as often as I could.


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