Boogie Boarding

High Speed Bodysurfing

Boogie Boarding

How NOT to Do It

Boogie boarding (body boarding) is just like surfing. You are riding the waves, but you are doing so not on your feet but lying flat on your stomach across the board. It is a fun water sport that anyone can enjoy. But like any physical activity, there is a right way to go about it, and a wrong way. Here are the major DON’TS of boogie boarding for beginners. They’ll help you enjoy boogie boarding to the fullest.

Don’t Forget Your T-Shirt
Since you will be lying flat on your back for several hours, you need to protect your body against burns, rashes and tan. You can wear a T-shirt, but an even better idea is to put on a spandex or a nylon shirt. Don’t just rely on sunscreen. Bodyboards usually have a rough surface (this allows for greater traction), and constantly rubbing against them can do some serious damage. So you better protect yourself.

Don’t Forget to Observe
This is especially true if you are boogie boarding for the very first time, or if you are in a new location. Just sit on the beach and observer other boarders. If they are avoiding waves which you think are simply awesome, then there must be a good reason. Perhaps they have noticed some reefs or sharp rocks. So it is a good idea to follow their course. However…..

Don’t Ride the Same Wave
…. this doesn’t mean that you start intruding other boarders, surfers, and swimmers. Paddling towards others doesn’t only look bad, but it also increases the likelihood of accidents, especially if you are trying to ride on the same wave as others.

Don’t Forget the Fins
Finally, remember to use fins, ideally ones with ankle fasteners. These may cost more, but you will find it easy to maneuver with fins rather than without them. It is only with experience can a boogie boarder judge where exactly to catch a wave.

No you know how to boogie board more smartly, safely and have more fun doing it. Go out and boogie(board)!

Fatima M.
Freelance Blogger

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