
How To Grill Mussels

While you may love to steam those mussels, grilling them is simple as well. With a kettle-style grill, you can easily prepare mussels in 3-pound batches at a time and make the most of your barbeque party with tasty seafood.

Here’s you can grill mussels at home:


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    • 1 pound mussels (for two persons)


    • Minced, flat-leaded parsley


Black pepper


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    2. Start by gathering the ingredients and cleaning the cooking grate on your grill. This is not necessary, but cleaning the grate ensures other flavors don’t mix with your mussels!


    1. Turn on the grill to medium-high or high heat.
    2. Tap the mussels, as they should be alive when you cook them. Discard any mussels that don’t close tightly when you tap them.
    3. Also check out for hairy growths. Depending on where you get your mussels, you may find thick hair on them which you need to pull away with pliers.

·      4/ Once cleaned, place the mussels on the grill and cook                   while covered. Cook them for five to ten minutes, or until                they are open.


5/ Depending on your preference, you can cook for a few                    minutes and then enjoy the mussels while they’re soft and            tender. Or you can cook them until the edges become crispy.         Or you may try both cooking styles in the same batch!

Once cooked, transfer the mussels to a serving platter. Use           tongs, because the shells can get hot! You can use black               pepper or parsley as seasonings according to taste.

That’s how simple it is to grill mussels as an appetizer. And if you want to cook them for the main course, just change the quantity to four pounds for two persons.


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