
Interesting facts About Lobsters


They Aren’t Red

Who doesn’t love lobster? Especially with a little butter and some candlelight. But have you ever wondered what this delectable crustacean’s life is like? Here are some interesting facts about our favorite seafood.

The lobster wasn’t always a delicacy

Lobsters were once viewed as inferior meat. It was only consumed by the poor and given to pigs and goats by the colonialists.

A strong physique

Maine lobsters have two robust front claws, which visually set them apart from other varieties of lobster. Every lobster has eight walking legs that they use to advance.

Lobster Color

Most lobsters are a greenish, earthy colored tone however they can be yellow, white, double hued or radiant blue! In spite of the fact that it is much of the time thought lobsters are red, this is simply because they turn this tone when they are cooked – except for white lobsters.

They pee out of their mouths-

A lobster pees from openings at the foundation of its subsequent receiving wires. These excretory organs are called green organs and incorporate a sac connected to a bladder by a curled cylinder

Lobsters live long

Lobsters have significantly longer life expectancies than most scavengers. An investigation of European lobsters observed that the normal lobster life expectancy was 31 years for males and 54 years for females. The concentrate additionally discovered a few females that lived more than 70 years!

Size matters

Lobsters have vague development, and that implies they constantly grow in size with age, with most extreme sizes obscure. Each time a lobster sheds and regrows an exoskeleton, it gets a size boost. The biggest lobster was estimated at three and a half feet long. Its weight was over 40 pounds. And as mentioned above, its age was estimated well above 100.

Check out other fun lobster facts in the video below-

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