Best Seafood Restaurants

Maine: Rugged and Delicious

South Porltand Loves Food +

Straight from the Source

Maine is an immensely huge, convoluted and puzzling bit of geography for the outsider. It encapsulates so many contrary yet cohabitating elements: Old Orchard Beach and Nor’Easters, heavy forest and open ocean, and wary Mainers that are still somehow warmly welcoming. South Portland is no exception in this state of contrary harmony- home to the largest hub of retail tourism in the state, it also cradles the neatly landscaped MIll Creek Park and three miles of paved walking trails overlooking the scenic Casco Bay islands. Between beautiful ocean scenery and shopping opportunities at the Maine, South Portland provides a plethora of activities for a wide range of interests.

No matter what aspect of this carefully tended gem you visit, inevitably you will be set upon by an appetite that only sea air seems to evoke. Luckily, South Portland rises to the occasion with some richly wonderful offerings from the Gulf Of Maine, literally in their backyard. Say what you will, no one knows fresh seafood like Mainers do- and there are some fantastic options to fit any appetite or budget.

Fresh seafood in Maine- for me, at least- falls into three epic manifestations: the Lobster Roll, Clam Chowder, and Fish and Chips. I’ll concentrate on the seafood parts here. Luscious local Maine potato French fries accompany almost every one of these dishes, so it’s really rather difficult to get those wrong no matter what establishment you may choose.

Dock’s Seafood
Ask any local for a fantastic lobster roll, and inevitably they’ll send you to Dock’s. The facilities are rustic but make up for the casual napkin-on-a-roll atmosphere with wicked good food. Their lobster roll shows up time and again in Maine State food reviews for Dock’s adherence to the freshest ingredients and their unstintingly generous portions of claw and tail meat. A bountifully big roll with a delicate touch of mayonnaise, it’s also accompanied by a heap of those fantastic local French fries. No one trick pony here, Dock’s Seafood also has a stellar rep for delicious chowder and superbly fresh and crisp fish and chips. No frills- but no disappointments and no empty bellies here!
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The Snow Squall
Known particularly for great service and a casually upscale atmosphere, the Sea Squall is another source of great seafood meals in South Portland. Cozy and slightly noisy, the dining room gives the impression of being a guest in the truest sense of the word. Portions here are generous and the prices delightfully reasonable. Particular specialties from this establishment are the glorious fish chowder and unfailingly fresh fish and chips. For those looking for variety, the Snow Squall also offers tempting salads to round out any meal.
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Fire & Water Chophouse
Usually hotel restaurants are only notable in their convenience and unremarkable offerings. The Fire & Water Chophouse fly in the face of that common impression, using a combination of well trained chefs and world-class seafood to make satisfying maritime feasts. Lobster here is king, in all its manifestations- and their lobster roll is a gigantic affair, utterly stuffed with succulent, high quality claw meat. Their clam chowder is worth the trip alone, highlighting both the savory and delicate flavors of shellfish. Fire & Water have also made a name for themselves for their strict vigilance when preparing their gluten free options.
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Sea Dog Brewing Company
Few combinations blend so well as fresh seafood and well crafted beer. Here, the Sea Dog will offer you a five or ten beer sampler tray to wet your whistle. With so many beers to chose from and great, simple, local food, the Sea Dog’s welcoming atmosphere is terrific for winding down and enjoying the day’s end. In particular, the New England clam chowder seems to be a local favorite. Supplemented by a full pub-style menu, seafood options here range from crab to shrimp to haddock. Here you’ll also find the ubiquitous Maine lobster roll; slightly smaller than some but utterly joam-packed with luscious lump claw meat.

In the end, it’s hard to go wrong with seafood in South Portland. As a thriving hub of shopping and tourism, they have to be consistent and delicious. Follow your nose, ask a local, look around the beautiful sights and shops- a fantastic meal is just waiting for you out there.

by LA DiNardi

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