Whale Watch

More Boston Whale Watching

Many Different Types of whale

If you are visiting the Boston area or just enjoy a day on the open seas, whale watches are a blast. Boston offers unique marine life such as pilot, right and minke whales as well as dolphins and seals. One of the best whale watching tours is the New England Aquarium’s Tour of Stellwagen Ban. Rated one of the world’s best places to see marine life, Stellwagen Bank offers whale watchers some incredible sights.

The Stellwagen Bank is a national marine marine sanctuary and take great pride in their preservation of the natural habitats of the marine life. In the summer months, humpback whales can be seen feeding and nursing their young. Migrating birds such as the common eiders stopover in Stellwagen along with a wide variety of seabirds, making it the perfect place for amateur and expert ornithologists alike.

A few pro tips on whale watches… always dress warmly. It may be a warm, sunny day on land but once you get out into the open waters cruising at higher speeds, you will wish you brought a sweatshirt or wore jeans. Make sure to be respectful of the habitats. Don’t throw trash or try to make physical contact with the wildlife. This is a chance for you to observe these magnificent creatures in their “home” so be sure to respect the sanctuary as such.

Tours go out of the New England Aquarium from March through November and leave every hour from 9am-12pm throughout the day on the summertime, with more on weekends. This is a great idea for a summer afternoon activity with the kids or build your vacation around things to do in Boston. There is plenty of history and marine life to keep them entertained for days!

By LA DiNardi

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