Best Seafood Restaurants

More Great Boston Seafood

no names sign

No Name Restaurant, Boston, MA

I released this post last year. Because I posted about The Barking Crab earlier this week, I thought I would give seafood and Boston lovers like myself a chance to compare some really great spots. Now, check this one out.

I started college in September, 1980. I was rejected by my first three choices and settled on Boston College. Settled? As it turns out, that was the best choice that I did not make because my experience was so much more than I expected.

Anyway, things were not as easy as I expected from the outset. By the third week, I was totally stressed out and thought about quitting until one of the guys on my floor asked me to go to dinner with him, his older sister and some of our upperclassman friends. I accepted, and they told me that we were going to No Names. Was this some kind of joke, I thought.

So, it was explained to me that this restaurant had no name and no liquor license (at that time). We were picked up and his sister’s friends had some beer. When we arrived, it was a mob scene in front of the restaurant.

Now, I will get to it for you.

No Name Restaurant, a.k.a. No Names was incredibly popular because the seafood was totally fresh and very amazing, plus not very expensive which was perfect for college people. You heard me right. Anyway, because No Names was so popular, there was always a line to get in. Now, everyone brought their own alcohol because No Names had no liquor license so, it was like a giant tailgate party waiting to get in for dinner.

No Names is famous for its incredibly fresh seafood and seafood chowder. Everybody at my table ordered the same thing, and I followed suit because it was inexpensive and popular – a cup of seafood chowder and their fried seafood platter.

The seafood chowder is milk based and loaded with clams, shrimp, scallops, cod and haddock (I hope I did not miss anything). One thing the seafood chowder does not contain – Potatoes. It is All Seafood. The fried seafood platter contained pretty much the same assortment. No Names is located on the Fish Pier in Boston so, some people who party a little bit too much before dinner, gave their dinner back to the ocean after dinner. It’s the cycle of life.

no name chowderno name fried platter

Boston College is a truly great place. No Names is a truly great restaurant, which I recommend. Below are some links to show you more.

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