Ocean sounds

Ocean Relaxation Anywhere

The Ocean is a Natural Stress Buster

Get in the Blue Space

Owning ocean-front property, or staying in an ocean-view hotel are great ideas for stress-relief and mental relaxation. The link between visibility of water and your health (both physical and mental has been observed in various research studies. This is something that researchers call ‘blue space’.

They note that the more you are exposed to views of blue space, the lower your psychological distress will be. Interestingly, the same link has not been noted with green space, i.e. grassy parks and forests etc. Perhaps most green spaces have some man-made areas, such as sports fields, whereas the ocean is all natural.

Mental health disorders are on the rise across the globe, and they are the leading cause of disability as per the World Health Organization (WHO). Hence, you should take care of your mental health, and one of the best ways to relax your mind is to get close to the ocean. Just the view can surprisingly uplift your mood and restore a sense of calm.

The blue color has also been known for its calming properties. This has been demonstrated by marketers, who have noted that people associated with color with concepts of wisdom, depth, openness, and calm.

Likewise, humans have assigned healing and transformational properties to water. That is why you find baths in Rome, or the water element in Indian and Chinese medicine. It also explains why many places of worship have been built near rivers.

For all these reasons, you should consider getting close to the ocean:

  • Spend your vacations on the beach or at the lake
  • Engage in water sports like surfing, swimming, or scuba diving
  • Plan having a ocean home

Not to mention, you can also get ocean artwork, as well as recorded ocean sounds to soothe you at home, especially if you are meditating.

Fatima M.
Freelance Blogger

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