
Ocean Swimming Benefits

Physical and Mental Rejuvenation

The Many Benefits of Sea Frolicking

If you are an active beach-goer or you live near the sea, saltwater is helping you in more ways than you can think of. Doctors have been aware of the therapeutic benefits of going to the sea for a long time, which is why seaside trips are actually prescribed by physicians.

That is also why you see spas and resorts by the seaside number in the hundreds, and now we even have island getaways. So what makes saltwater so good?

One obvious reason is that ocean water is richer in minerals (calcium, sulphate, magnesium and sodium) than river water. That is why ocean water has been known to treat serious skin conditions like eczema and even psoriasis.

In addition, it is also suggested (but with limited evidence) that saltwater can reduce symptoms of respiratory symptoms like hay fever and sinusitis. Saltwater possibly reduces inflammation when it comes in contact with the lining of sinuses. Saltwater mimics the fluids naturally present in the body, which is it doesn’t irritate the lining of sinuses.

The healing benefits of saltwater go beyond your physical health. Any physical activity in natural environments boosts your mental health as well because you are merging the benefits of exercise with the healing benefits of nature. It is also a great stress-buster.

There is something about the water that calms your nerves. The color blue is said to have a soothing effect, and there is also the ‘weightlessness’ of water that makes you feel ‘light’.

Finally, swimming in cold water boosts your immunity considerably. When you take a dip in cold-water, the temperature receptors under your skin activate and release hormones such as cortisol, adrenalin, and endorphins.

For all these reasons and more, you are better off taking ocean swimming as a habit.

Fatima M.
Freelance Blogger

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