Beach Locations

Pizza Boarding

Pizza Boarding

Take a Ride on a Skipping Stone

pizza peels

When I was growing up, we had a summer cottage. By the middle of August, everybody in the neighborhood was getting incredibly bored. One day, one of my friends that had a 2′ x 3′ piece of plywood. He said let’s go Pizza Boarding. I said, Great – what’s that? At low tide, which was in a couple of hours, I learned.

In Point Beach, when the tide went out, sandbars were exposed. The sandbars were not incredibly massive. So, in between them were tidal pools that were only a couple of inches deep.

Your goal is to skim your board across the top, chase the pizza board and get on top of it. The goal is to skim along for as long as you could. So, skim the board, charge the board, step on the board and skim away. Acrobatics are optional.

People do this on land with empty pizza boxes. They pizza board names was derived from the thing that is used to take a pizza out of the oven.
When the tide started to come in, the water started to rise and we could not pizza board until the next low tide. We all slept very well that night

There are actual pizza boards out there that you can pay money for. None of us had any money. So, we improvised. We still had a lot of fun.

You can purchase a Body Board, typically used for body surfing and reapply it as a pizza board. That is double the fun. Click here to check some out.


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