Best Seafood Restaurants

Rino’s Place, East Boston


Rino’s Place, East Boston, MA

I was flipping through the channels not too long ago and stopped on the Food Network. Not too big of a stretch because I love to cook. I started watching the show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. A good show but today was different. The restaurant was not part of the title of the show. It was a restaurant in East Boston. The name is Rino’s Place.

I was so taken by that story. The freshness of everything, the “from scratch” of everything and the fact that the owner shops for ingredients himself 2-3 times per day, as well as imports key ingredients directly from Italy was pretty incredible, and I am hooked.

I am a lobster lover and after watching that piece I was drooling. I have not even eaten at this restaurant. When I saw the making of the Lobster Raviolis well, even though this is not a seafood restaurant, I needed to get this article written. I am from Connecticut and really want to eat Lobster Raviolis, but every time I order them, they seem to be missing the main ingredient – LOBSTER. Lobster Raviolis from Rino’s Place are loaded with lobster. Over delivering seems to be in their DNA.


I have included the video mentioned above as well as a couple of reviews. Any negative comments are never about the food. They seem to always be about the long wait. When a restaurant has long waiting time for a table, most often it is because it is mobbed with patrons. When waiting times are long and restaurants are empty, that means that they will soon be out of business. Not the case for Rino’s Place.

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