Beach Locations

Rocky Beach Memories

rocky beach, part two

Rocky Beach Memories

During the first 12 years of my life, my family had a summer cottage. Right on the water in a totally middle-class neighborhood. That sounds totally oxymoronic now, but my parents somehow scraped the money together to buy the house. All $9000 of it. That That is totally right. Nine Thousand Dollars. That all sounds very strange, but it was totally true. Why did we sell it? Well, during the winter of 1974, some waste of a human body, broke in and put out a cigarette on the couch. It smoldered and smoldered. When the fire department arrived, there was quite a bit of smoke. So, they smashed one of the boarded-up for the winter windows and when the smoldering met the air – Up She Went. It’s that simple. Enough said.

The beach was not like you see in the Caribbean. It was all rocks. I was a little kid and that absolutely did not matter.

Most people never have the chance to spend, a huge amount of times by the ocean. I mean the time that allows you to just do nothing and be. I did. But, because I was a little kid, I never realized just how special it was by the water.

When you are alone in the expanse of the ocean is around you, things just happen. Sometimes. Below are some things that I saw when I was alone sitting in my front yard staring at the water, and no one else was around making noise or smelling up the air with cigarette smoke. Boy do I hate that smell, especially when the ocean smells so good.

Some things that I saw that no one else did, because I was just there:

1. 2 sharks swim into my bay, breached the surface, I saw them, and then they were gone.

2. I saw a butterfly flying approximately 1 foot above the water. Like lightning, a bluefish jumped out of the water and grabbed it. I am not telling you to believe me, but it just happened.

3. Doing one extremely hot summer, I mean really hot, a couple of stingrays found their way into my area.

4. Early one evening at low tide. I saw a seagull finding with a Sea Robin. It was over as fast as it began.

5. On many occasions, the big fish were under attack by the bluefish community.

When more childhood memories come back to me, I will write again. Spend real time by the ocean. You will definitely not regret it.

Rocky Beach, smaller

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