Nutrition, seafood

Seafood Fresh and Whole

Delicious and Affordable

Save Money, Time and Your Health

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I believe the general mentality of many people is that fresh whole foods are not affordable. Therefore, many people rely on processed foods, or worse, fast food that promise better value and call it a time saver. These are false promises. They are simply not true. Preparing a simple and affordable dinner for your family may be easier than you think.

Last night we had fresh monkfish, basmati rice and fresh asparagus for dinner. It tasted so good, and it was so easy to make. Most importantly, we ate real, wholesome, nutrient-filled food, and I spent less than a ½ hour in the kitchen. I calculated each person’s dish at about $7.00 per plate. That’s it! Isn’t that price comparable to 2009a fast food meal? Wouldn’t it take you at least a half hour to drive to a fast food joint and return home?

Realize that monkfish isn’t cheap. While it is called “poor man’s lobster,” wild caught monkfish is priced fairly high compared to other fish options in the case. Yet, still I was able to make an affordable nice Sunday dinner. Also know that asparagus is one of the more expensive vegetables too. Adding fresh herbs, like the dill I used, also ups the price. Even so, the cost per plate only came to $7.00 per person. This means, you can cut your bill in ½ and still prepare fresh, whole foods.

here are some tips:

  1. Find a good local grocery store and it at least once per week. The key word is “good”.
  2. Only shop the fresh food cases and produce. Give it a try. You can do it!<
  3. Select items that are on sale. You’ll get to know the prices of things by browsing and looking each week.
  4. Don’t buy in bulk. This usually backfires. You think you’re saving, but if you are regularly buying in bulk whenever you see a sale, your weekly or monthly grocery budget sky rockets.
  5. Learn how to steam and sauté fresh fish, other meats and vegetables. It’s super easy, and generally, it is these methods that cook food quickly.
  6. Get out of the habit of buying junk food, such as bags of various chips and boxes of various anything. They cost a lot!

That’s it for now. The tips may seem easy enough; however, so many people don’t follow them. I promise you will feel better physically and mentally if you adapt these tips to your family’s eating lifestyle. They will too. Plus, it is truly nice to gather and sit around the dinner table together.

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