Cooking Seafood, seafood

Seafood Makes You Healthier

Seafood on Your Workday Menu
Its Simple and Easy

Everyone knows that fish is healthy. It is beneficial for the heart, it is non-fattening and rich in protein – I mean, just look at the Eskimos – they live long and healthy lives by focusing their diets on fish-based meals. Additionally, this type of food brings an even more diverse set of nutrients that are beneficial for our bodies as wholes.

Why Eat Seafood?

This turned out great; the salmon and asparagus were really infused with the pungent rosemary and woodsy cedar.
This turned out great; the salmon and asparagus were really infused with the pungent rosemary and woodsy cedar.

Did you know that, by making seafood a mere once-a-week habit are cutting the chances of suffering a heart attack in half. Furthermore, foods like octopi and squish are going to go to of vitamins and packed with minerals. Omega-3 fatty acids work wonders for your heart health, and these are commonly found in seafood. Although it contains high levels of cholesterol, seafood suffers from your common misconception of cholesterol being bad for one’s health. In fact, it is the saturated fats, found in cheese, red meat and fast food in general, that increase the levels of bad cholesterol in our bodies. Read on if you want to know why you should always opt for fresh seafood and get some general shopping tips.

Shopper’s Guide to Fish

Although some types of seafood are bought frozen, it is always better to opt for fresh food, in general. This is due to the fact that frozen food contains more sodium, which we ingest more than it is recommended, as it is. Furthermore, when you’re buying fresh seafood, it is easier to tell when it’s past its prime. Fresh fish should smell like seawater, so, if it gives of a strong odor, it is probably turning bad. Fresh fish has moist skin with colors of the species in question. The scales should be lying close to the skin and shouldn’t be dry. Whatever the case, do not buy fresh fish unless you’re planning on using it within two days of purchase.

Now, when it comes to frozen fish, always look for those solidly frozen. Be watchful of white, dehydrated areas on skin, for this is a sign of freezer burn. One more thing, if the product is wrapped in moisture-proof plastic, always opt for those vacuum-packed.

Of course, seasons do matter when it comes to fish. For example, the Deepwater Flathead is best eaten in January through May, while these months are extremely unfavorable for the Banded Morwong. You can find calendars online, which will guide you through fish seasons.

Useful Recipes

Seafood Stew

    • Bourbon-Glazed Salmon – If you’re one for mixing tastes like sweet and salty, you’ll probably love this delicacy. As an already flavorful fish, salmon with added brown sugar and bourbon is a real treat for both your body and your taste buds. Cook 10 minutes for each inch of thickness (this is a general rule of thumb). When the center is light pink and opaque, your meal is ready. This recipe is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids.


    • Pan-Fried Trout with Tomato Basil Sauté – This recipe is based on Italian-style of cooking. The pancetta adds to a smoky flavor when it comes to this dish.


  • Lobster Risotto – If you’re not one for fancy dishes, here’s a simple one for you. By cooking rice with lobster, you’re letting its sea-flavored juices to get soaked into the rice. Easy to make and quite tasty, you can add whatever you wish to this tasty mush, so feel my to go wild with ingredients.

All in all, seafood can do wonders for one’s health. It doesn’t matter if you enjoy preparing, or just aim at making quick, tasty meals – there are plenty recipes for you out there. Follow the noted guidelines and become an expert on seafood – it is not all that difficult.

Sophie is a passionate gourmand from Australia. She loves to spend time in her tiny kitchen exploring new recipes and decorating food. Find Sophie’s recipes and home ideas by following her at G+.

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