Cooking Seafood, seafood

Seattle Smoked Salmon Abundance

Post #229

Such a Wide Variety

The Choice is Yours and So Good

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Smoked salmon is prepared differently throughout the world and here within the United States. I have traveled to Seattle, Washington several times. I love it prepared just about any way possible. I have become a sort of expert on smoked salmon, and my favorite is from the Seattle area.

Throughout most of the states smoked salmon is typically thinly sliced, cured in brine and cold smoked. It is not fully cooked. In cold –smoking, the temperature does not raise above 990 F. The meat may seem as if it is fully cooked, however, it is not by definition. The cooked appearance comes from the curing process. Other smoked salmon that does indeed seem raw are those of the lox and nova varieties. They are marinated in brine that has salts, nitrates and sometimes sugars. While salts and sugars (even lemon which denatures protein) preserve food, it is the nitrates in the brine that keep the raw fish for the longest time. marinated, cured and cold-smoked types are how I believe most Americans are introduced to smoke salmon.

However, for Americans from Seattle and the surrounding area, smoked salmon is a whole other thing, and it is delicious (and better for you too!). The Native Americans from the Puget Sound area fished (and still do) avidly, as did the earliest American settlers. Salmon was in abundance and, it was the staple food year round. Smoking methods were developed to keep it preserved longer so it could be eaten in times of need, times when the salmon were not heavily migrating through the area. Smoking techniques were perfected, and their method results in more of a fresh from the sea taste.

A standard Seattle-based smoked salmon is made by using large, thick filets. Salts and sugars and flavorings are added to the salmon as brine. However, nitrates are not used (which is great since there is a strong link between nitrates and cancers). After it sits in the brine for a time, the salmon filets are then either cold-smoked or hot-smoked. Most recipes I have seen from Seattle call for the hot-smoked method. The hot-smoked method fully cooks the meat. The temperature is raised to at least 200 degrees F, high enough to kill harmful bacteria. The end result is that you have a wonderful tasting, most natural smoked salmon.

Also, the salmon used is the freshest, high-quality salmon. It is illegal to farm salmon in the Pacific Northwest. Therefore, all salmon is wild caught and includes the fantastic king salmon (Chinook), sockeye (red salmon). Coho (silver salmon) and humpback (pink) species. So, have some shipped in!

image credit – photo of smoked salmon at the market on Pine Street in Seattle, Washington by Kyle Strickland titled, “Smoked Salmon”

By melaniekaren – professional writer specializing in ocean and seaside-fun, travelling and seafood.
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  1. This is a very good website. Keep it up!!

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