
Singapore Chile Crab

<A Seafood Lover’s Delight!

Easy to Cook Recipe


Cher Yam Tian invented chili crab in Singapore in the 1950s. Her family opened their first restaurant, Palm Beach Seafood, after experimenting with crabs for her family and friends. The dish has since become a staple on menus in hawker centers and fine dining establishments throughout Singapore.


● Mud crab
● 3 shallots
● 1 ginger
● 3 red chilies (long)
● 5 cloves garlic
● 2 tablespoons ketchup
● 1 teaspoon shrimp paste
● 2 tablespoons cooking oil
● 1 ½ cups chicken stock
● 1 ½ cups tomato puree
● 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
● ½ cup sweet chili sauce
● 2 tablespoons soy sauce
● 1 egg
● 1 spring onion
● ½ cup butter
● 1 bunch coriander

● Mix cornstarch and 2 tablespoons of water in a small bowl; place aside. Heat oil to a shimmering condition in a big wok with a cover (or Dutch oven) over medium heat.

● Shallots, ginger, red peppers, garlic, ketchup, , soy sauce, shrimp paste, rice wine vinegar should be combined in a food processor and pulse until they create a paste. For about a minute, cook and stir until aromatic.

● Add the chicken stock and crab. Heat up to a medium-high level and bring to a boil. For about 6 minutes, or when the crab has turned red and is almost completely cooked through, cover loosely and gently boil (reducing heat as needed).

● When the oil in a wok reaches the desired temperature, add the chili paste and cook for one to two minutes.

● Remove from heat and whisk in the egg. Stir in spring onions. Ladle into a serving dish, sprinkle with cilantro and serve.

Pour the sauce on top of the crab and garnish with a few sprigs of coriander. Enjoy!



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