
Striped Bass Fishing in Montauk

Striped Bass Fishing Is Intense

Just Get That Shiny or Tasty Item in Front of Them

Striped Bass Fishing in Montauk Is Not For the Faint of Heart

Fishing in Montauk should be classified as an extreme sport. Just take the area around the Montauk Lighthouse, a regular Fight Club, where otherwise calm and collected fishing enthusiasts, would get themselves into fights to claim the best fishing spots.

But before you dismiss this as the irrational actions of a few overly obsessive and competitive fishermen, consider that what’s at stake here is what’s known as the best fishing in the world.

Starting late September through early November, stripers, or striped bass would do what’s called as a “fall run,” where large groups of striped bass would come to Montauk before traveling south to migrate.

At the same time, the lighthouse located at the end of the South Fork of Long Island, traps in hordes of bait fish coming from the north and east, completing the recipe for Montauk’s famed epic fishing action.

During this time, anglers from all over the country and of all skill levels make a pilgrimage to the area, turning the lighthouse’s parking lot and nearby beaches into a campsite, to experience the rush of striped bass fishing in Montauk.

The thrill of seeing blitzes, as bait fish fight with the current, larger fish like the bass chowing down on its prey, and the kamikaze action of seagulls feeding off the go `mood leftovers, is an experience no angler wants to miss out on.

And completing the food chain, are those fishing by the shore, who would cast like there’s no tomorrow, taking advantage of feeding frenzy to catch themselves plenty of hard-to-catch stripers.

The edge-of-your-seat excitement of the fall run, has elevated itself as a much coveted badge of honor for everyone from the curious hobbyists to full-pledged fish hunters. As if to say, if you haven’t experienced striped bass fishing in Montauk, then you haven’t really fished at all.

By Danielle Anne Suleik

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