
Take a Kid Fishing

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If you have read any of my vacation planning articles you’ll know that I like to have an agenda when traveling (insert links). Well, this planning extends to every aspect of my life. In fact, there is nothing I like less than spending a weekend (or a day, really) without a planned method for making the most of the time. For my family, a weekend without plans could too easily end up being hours of video games and television shows, and while I don’t mind a video game here and there, I am a firm believer that kids (and adults) need to spend plenty of time outdoors in fresh air.

So, let’s go fishing!

Fishing is a great outdoor activity for several different reasons. Not only does it get us out in nature, but it offers an opportunity to talk and connect on a personal level without the distractions that video games and television shows cause. With a body of water laid out before us, and with no motive but to enjoy ourselves, we’re able to open up about life and all the wave-like ups and downs it presents.

But it is so much more than that as well. For one, fishing is incredibly educational. So many kids are being brought up without a real knowledge of where their food comes from. Too many youngsters believe food comes from a cardboard box at a grocery store, and they don’t have a real understanding of the process food goes through to get from land or sea to the grocery counter. I see it as, “Give your child a fish to feed him for a day. Teach your child to fish, and feed him for a lifetime.”

Finally, many health experts say that kids should eat fish. I know it has been up for debate because of mercury content in fish, but one expert politely explained that not eating fish is more of a concern than eating mercury. Of course you should always choose your food wisely, but I say why not catch and eat to feed them for a day and a ime at the same time.

Article by:

David Thornton

Freelance Writer and Chef
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