Best Seafood Restaurants

The Barking Crab, Boston

Wonderful Beantown

With a motto like “We think everyone should have crabs!” it is obvious that this is a fun, funky place to dine. Opening in 1994 under the name Venus-Seafood in the Rough, the restaurant started and continues to be a unique take on the New England clam shack style place. Initially a seasonal hot spot, they are now open all year round, first adding Neptune Lobster and Seafood Market, then a wood burning stove.

Colorful, open and airy, this is a great spot to eat whether you are spending the day in the city, or boating around Boston Harbor. Located at the edge of Fort Point Channel, with their very own marina in the back of the restaurant, they are perfectly situated for tourists and natives alike. To access the marina at high tide, you need to coordinate your docking with the operator of the Northern Ave.

The fresh seafood is the showcase of the menu. Everything from tender Ipswich fried clams, traditional New England clam chowder, to a loaded clam bake which includes chorizo, a Portuguese sausage, and succulent grilled salmon or tuna, there is something for every seafood lover. Because they offer the freshest seafood available, a majority of the menu is market price, though what is priced is very reasonable for the city.

Servers and bartenders are knowledgeable and helpful as well as quick. Upon arrival, you will be seated quickly, and even if there is a wait for the dining room, you can always choose the bar which still offers the full menu. It is obvious the servers are dedicated to giving great service, smiling and hustling through the restaurant.

As a tourist or a native, this is a must stop spot for lunch or dinner. The vibrant urban setting, great food, and superior service all with a New England flavor are worth every penny spent at this restaurant. Take a road trip and see for yourself!

Watch segment 2 from Man V. Food

by L.A. DiNardi

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