Bluefish, Fishing

The Bluefish Mob Rules

Let the Bluefish Madness Begin

Learn How To Catch Them

Be Very Careful!

It IS NOW bluefish time, and here are some tips on how to catch them. Catching bluefish is not only an exciting activity, but also one of the tastiest sea creatures out there. Fishing prowess aside, you need the time and patience to catch bluefish.

To start off, you need to have a lot of baitfish to chum with. That is because bluefish, unlike stripers, are not easily attracted. Secondly, the jury is still out on the best spot in the ocean to catch bluefish, but you can boost your odds by fishing in ledges and inlets.

Safety is key here. Don’t anchor right on the ledges, for it is very dangerous. Rather, you should anchor around the sea surge caused by the ledges. Of course to do that, you need to let out the anchor rode at a greater depth.

Also note that bluefish tend to have really sharp teeth, which is why you need sturdier leaders. Set out your lines with baitfish at different depths. Now the waiting begins. But while it may sound boring, catching bluefish is hard work. So much so that many question the viability of such an endeavor. But what do they know, right?

Mackerel or Pollock in small cut pieces slowly attract predator fish, and this is where it gets interesting. Depending on the size of the boat and your supplies, you should continue to add baitfish to your initial catch. You can throw out some chunks and attract the baitfish, which in turn will help you lure bluefish in your fishing area.

Finally, a harpoon set-up can also come in handy, especially when you are chasing larger bluefish. Remember that in fishing, there are good days and bad. But if you follow these tips, you can increase your chances of reeling in a bluefish or two. Good luck!

Fatima M.
Freelance Blogger

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