Best Seafood Restaurants, Cooking Seafood

The Historical Tadich Grill

San Francisco Seafood Pride

The Holy Grail of Seafood – Cioppino


I have posted before about the Tadich Grill. This is truly one of the greatest restaurants in the USA, if not the world. Include b is a link to the Tadich Grill website and below is a video about the Tadich Grill. If you love fresh seafood and delicious Cioppino are in San Francisco, please visit the Tadich Grill. You will not be disappointed.

Question: What’s over 150 years old, filled with happy people, and famous for good food? The answer is the Tadich Grill, the oldest restaurant in California.

Before California even became a state, three humble immigrants opened a small coffee stand on the wharf in San Francisco. 162 years later, the Tadich Grill grew from those humble beginnings to become one of the most renowned restaurants on the West Coast. Forbes magazine listed Tadich’s as one of the world’s ten greatest restaurants.

Specializing in fresh California seafood, Tadich offers fresh crabs, shrimp, oysters, clams, fresh fish, and crab cakes, plus grain-fed beef, lamb, and a large variety of culinary creations combining of your favorite seafoods.

Cioppino Recipe

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