
The Tao of Fishing

Deeply Experience the Ocean

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Sitting down to write about fishing, and giving a good think on my own newly planned fishing trip, has made me reflect the camaraderie with the others joining the trip that interests me. I have also pondered the struggle with the desired catch that fishing offers. As a chef, I’ve certainly also thought about the nourishment the catch will offer me and those that I will be lucky enough to share it with.

But none of those are really it for me. While those reasons may be the primary justifications for many to explain their want to go deep sea fishing, when I think of my upcoming trip, I find my mind wandering to the water itself rather than the fish that may be caught.

I’ve been on many boats before, but I’ve never been out so far that I couldn’t spy a piece of land. With that land in sight, there is the safety net of my natural habitat. I’ve also, of course, visited many beaches. Many times I’ve stood on a shoreline, pondering life as the waves roll in. But this time it will be so different. With the beach far away, absolutely no land insight, it will be me floating off into another place entirely. This is why I really want to go fishing.

To be out in the ocean, a body of water with the vast, surreal quality only nature can offer, is my real motivation to go on a deep sea fishing trip. As humans we are such landlocked creatures. We live between a solid ground and an abstract sky. The water, especially being out in water so great I can’t see the shore, offers me an inbetween state of being. Although my feet will be on the swaying solid floor of a boat, I can only imagine the sensation of floating on an intangible liquid, the depths of which I can’t even begin to fathom. It is somewhat like standing on another world, or being able to walk out into the sky. This loss of home, and gain of perspective is The Tao of Fishing for me, and is exactly why I really want to go.

Article by:
David Thornton
Freelance Writer and Chef

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