
The Ugly Cycle

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Savagery For a Reason

Life Sustaining Life in a Savage Way

The Bluefish frenzied rush is about to begin like it does every year. The bluefish chase the baitfish around and savagely eat them. That allows the bluefish to grow and reproduce. That also forces the baitfish to begin to repopulate because they have to survive otherwise, that’s it for them. I once caught a large bluefish and wanted to eat it. I brought it home and began to clean it. What I found was from a scary movie. There was in its stomach a nearly intact bunker, a.k.a. menhaden.

Bluefish are like a psychotic Savage on a murderous rampage. They do not care who they attack. They just want to eat, kill and grow. I remember an article in Sports Afield from back in the 1970s which talked about a bunch of people at the beach enjoying the day when a feeding frenzy began. Many people were savagely attacked. Also, when I was 12 years old I went in a rowboat to try to catch bluefish during a feeding frenzy. Well, I did catch one. Something very eerie that I still remember to this day haappened. During the frenzy, I suddenly saw two large dorsal fins pop up. My friend Wayne started to cry. And then it was over. That’s how quickly things happen.

This baitfish is under serious attack right now because commercial fishermenbum have been catching them in massive numbers for use in products such as cat food and many others. These are not fish that can or should be consumed by humans because of the ultra-foul taste and smell. Bunker are best used for baitfish for catching fish or crabs and lobsters. Let’s face it, the foul smell is like a magnet for the other sea creatures that are hungry.

The Bunker is a forage fish for bluefish, weak fish and bluefish. They feed On phytoplankton and zooplankton and the bluefish, et al feed on the Bunker. Sometimes, the Tuna and then the sharks feed on feed on everything. That is the cycle of life and survival of the fittest.

Please take a look at some of the videos below. That should open your eyes to the insanity of ocean life.

Bluefish Feeding Frenzy

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