
Tuna Fishing In Montauk

Montauk is synonymous with fishing. It is the hub of recreational fishing in New York, and home to the largest fishing fleets in the state. This is also the location where Frank Murdas and Donnie Braddick caught the 3,000+ pound Great White Shark in 1986. This is still the largest
fish caught by rod and reel in history. (Fun fact: Frank Mundas is the inspiration behind ‘Quint’ in the movie Jaws).
Here’s all you need to know about tuna fishing in Montauk.

Best Season to Catch Tuna in Montauk

You can enjoy some excellent tuna fishing in Montauk during the summer and early fall. Which means now is a great time to catch some tuna if you’re in Montauk!


What variety of tuna can you catch ?

When it comes to tuna fishing in Montauk you can find:

* Bluefin:
* Yellowfin:
* Albacore:
* Bigeye

The first three tunas pass by on their annual migrations, while you can catch Bigeye at the canyons, on the edge of the continental shelf.

Beware, all four species put up a fight, especially Bluefin! Simply hooking them is not enough; it will take some determination on your part to pull them out of the water. You can also find Albies in Montauk, which are not technically tuna, but still pose a challenge to anglers.

Best Time of the Day to Catch Tuna in Montauk

There’s no best time of the day to go fishing, but you may find a good catch on Friday nights, after sunset.

How To Fish For Tuna in Montauk?

There are several ways to go about fishing in Montauk. The two most popular styles are charter fishing and surf fishing.

 Do I Require A Permit?

Yes, you need a special Highly Migratory Species Permit to catch tuna in Montauk. You don’t need to apply if you’re on a fishing charter, as this will be done by your captain.
That’s all for now. Hopefully you’ll find this info helpful on tuna fishing in Montauk.





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