Vacation Spots

Windjammer Sailing Vacations

When it comes to vacation spots in the US, Maine is one of the finest. The traditional feel and simple pace takes you away from the bustle of daily life. Maine is also a special attraction for those love the sea and especially those who enjoy sailing.

In fact, Maine has preserved an age-old sailing tradition;
J. & E. Riggin. This sailing vessel is not affixed in some museum a working schooner, and you can experience this majestic windjammer from a bygone era by taking a cruise.

J. & E. Riggin was built in 1927 as an oyster schooner, from where it became an Oyster Dredger Race winner in 1929 to finally becoming a passenger sail in 1977. In 1991, it was declared a National Historic Landmark by The National Park Service. In 1997, the stewardship of the vessel went to a couple from Maine: Capts John Finher and Anne Mahle.

What makes this cruise special is the feeling of detachment from the world. You feel as though you are traveling back in time, when life was simpler and a lot less stressful. John and Anne have preserved J. & E. Riggin remarkably well, especially its classic fixtures from the early 1900s.

Mind it that you will not be a passive observer on this journey. In fact, you will become part of the crew, helping the schooner to set sail and anchor.

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