Beach Locations, Beach Vacation Spots

Your Favorite Beach Is?

Rocky or Sandy?

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What is Your Favorite Type of Beach?

We all know that there is a wide variety of beaches to enjoy. Some are pristine with perfect blue waters and sandy beaches. Others are rocky with high cliffs. Some are crowded with people who are really only interested in having a party and enjoying the view of the skimpily clad bodies walking to and fro.

Do you have a favorite kind of beach? Can you limit it too one style? I’ve tried, and it’s difficult. However, I have limited it to this one little slice of heaven. Can you see that tiny, triangular beach in the photo? That’s it, my favorite beach. It seems to glow brightly. The first time I saw it, I just had to make my way over.

This is a photo from Cape Cod in Massachusetts. While Cape Cod is a popular destination, I can usually find my little beach free of others. It’s the perfect size for my family. There are three of us. We take a cooler, set up in the morning, and this is base camp for the rest of the day.

During the day, we read, look for shells and mostly walk through all the tidal waters over and over. It’s really great. The waters are clear and teaming with life. There are little schools of juvenile fish you can stand right in the center of. Little crabs running around on land and in the water are abundant. My son and I
try to catch everything we possibly can. It’s great fun, and when we get sleepy, we cozily take a nap in the sand. It’s a perfect day.

You can visit Cape Cod and find your own special little beach. If you are the sort who loves a party, do know that there is a sandbar nearby that is always one big tailgating party. You have to have a 4 wheel drive vehicle though, and everyone to watch the tide. If it’s high tide, you won’t be leaving for hours. Please share your favorite beach or type of beach in the comments.

image credit – photo by melaniekaren

By melaniekaren – professional writer specializing in ocean and seaside-fun, travelling and seafood.
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